Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Inclusion is for all students.

Inclusion is for all students no matter what academic grade level they are, as long as they get some benefit. 

Any teacher that loves to teach, knows that we all do not learn the same way. Teachers with a diverse classroom of students, should be able to figure out a little something to teach our kiddo's that are 2 or more years below grade level. As long as the student is getting "some benefit" in the least restrictive classroom. 

Flexibility and a desire to help someone feel successful and make progress is all anyone wants. 

Segregation & Discrimination is so old school and it's 2015 not the 60's!! I am so fed up with the not on grade level discussion and made up rules of the day!

Friday, March 20, 2015

DS Pins ~ 3.21.15 World Down syndrome Day!

They are all the same and different! 
Mariah and I had fun making these #WDSD15 pins for her schoolmates! 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Katie Swingle speaks to the Florida Senate ~ Thankful for (PLSA) Personal Learning Scholarship Account for her Child

Published on Mar 6, 2015
Personal Learning Scholarship Accounts (PLSA) allow parents of students with certain disabilities to create a customized education plan by choosing the school, services, and therapies that fit the needs of their children.


Katie Swingle told lawmakers she hopes the program will be able to expand to help more families.