"It is critical that the IEP team sees the student's future through both the parents' and the student's eyes."
NDSS website
Long-Term Goals: Parents should tell the IEP team that they want to prepare their child to live and work as independently as possible. This means being able to function and behave appropriately in a world of typical peers. The goals on the IEP should reflect the skills necessary to achieve this – both academic and non-academic. Parents acknowledge their high but reasonable expectations and inform the team that they will support them in any way possible. It is critical that the IEP team sees the student's future through both the parents' and the student's eyes.
Implementing Inclusion - National Down Syndrome Society ~ click above highlighted link for the full webpage from NDSS on the benefits of Inclusion for all students.
Inclusive education for students with Down syndrome has to be a collaborative process with all involved in education!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
"It is critical that the IEP team sees the student's future through both the parents' and the student's eyes."
321 Fun,
Down syndrome Inclusion,
DS Advocate,
Mariah Harris,
Nancy Linley-Harris,
Parkway Middle School of the Performing Arts,
PODS Angels,
Stephen Foster Elementary

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012
JUST LIKE YOU ~ Cool Short Video
THANK YOU Down Syndrome Guild of Greater Kansas City!!
This is a PERFECTLY BEAUTIFUL short video especially for October being Down syndrome Awareness Month!!
321 Fun,
Down syndrome,
Down syndrome Florida,
DS Advocate,
Including students with Down syndrome,
PODS Angels

Friday, July 27, 2012
AMENDING an ANNUAL IEP without holding an IEP meeting
When the IEP Team Meets ~ click to read great www.NICHCY.ORG resource about IEP meetings.
Great info on AMENDING an Annual IEP without holding an IEP meeting!
New Provisions in IDEA 2004: Amending the IEP Without Meeting
(4) Agreement. (i) In making changes to a child’s IEP after the annual IEP Team meeting for a school year, the parent of a child with a disability and the public agency may agree not to convene an IEP Team meeting for the purposes of making those changes, and instead may develop a written document to amend or modify the child’s current IEP.
(ii) If changes are made to the child’s IEP in accordance with paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this section, the public agency must ensure that the child’s IEP Team is informed of those changes.
(5) Consolidation of IEP Team meetings. To the extent possible, the public agency must encourage the consolidation of reevaluation meetings for the child and other IEP Team meetings for the child.
(6) Amendments. Changes to the IEP may be made either by the entire IEP Team at an IEP Team meeting, or as provided in paragraph (a)(4) of this section, by amending the IEP rather than by redrafting the entire IEP. Upon request, a parent must be provided with a revised copy of the IEP with the amendments incorporated. [§300.324(a)(4)-(6)]
*Click above link to read entire article and reference resource.
Amending an IEP,
Broward Schools,
DS Advocate,
Including students with Down syndrome,
Nancy Linley-Harris,
Robert Runcie,
Stephen Foster Elementary

Tuesday, July 24, 2012
'Glee' Character should go to College like the others! Why not?
College Urged For ‘Glee’ Character With Down Syndrome
July 24, 2012
When students on Fox’s “Glee” graduated this season, they all headed to college. Now a Twitter campaign is calling on the show’s writers to make the same plan for a character with Down syndrome.
Click here for complete article: http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2012/07/24/college-glee-down-syndrome/16092/
There shouldn't even be any question about it! This is exactly what some of our young adults have already been doing. Society loves watching TV and they love watching Glee, let's give Becky the same opportunities as the others on the show! This show has raised positive Down syndrome awareness, let's keep it going. Join them on Twitter and let the show writers know you want to see Becky going to College too!
Down syndrome,
DS Advocate,
Mariah Harris

Monday, July 23, 2012
Thank you John Anton for being you!!
Determination Trumps Down Syndrome | WCVB Home - WCVB Home Click this link see this amazing guy named John Anton!
I am so impressed with what he is doing for so many of us!
I am so impressed with what he is doing for so many of us!
Down syndrome,
DS Advocate,
John Anton,
Supported Employment

Teaching Children with Down Syndrome - Time4Learning
Teaching Children with Down Syndrome - Time4Learning:
'via Blog this' Click link to more info and see the Time4Learning website. This is the EXACT SAME Program as Compass Learning or also known as Odyssey. Broward Public Schools has this available to any student enrolled in a Broward Public School ~ use your student ID as username.
Time4Learning is also available for anyone for just $20 per month. Check it out and get your child doing 'homeschool' academic, they will love it!
'via Blog this' Click link to more info and see the Time4Learning website. This is the EXACT SAME Program as Compass Learning or also known as Odyssey. Broward Public Schools has this available to any student enrolled in a Broward Public School ~ use your student ID as username.
Time4Learning is also available for anyone for just $20 per month. Check it out and get your child doing 'homeschool' academic, they will love it!
Broward Public School,
Compass Learning Odyssey,
DS Advocate,
home school,
Mariah Harris,
Nancy Linley-Harris,
PODS Angels,
Time 4 Learning,

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
NGSSS ~ New Generation Sunshine State Standards
NGSSS ~ New Generation Sunshine State Standards
This is for Florida folks ~ Get to know this website ~ click the above link to read more.
This is for Florida folks ~ Get to know this website ~ click the above link to read more.
Down syndrome Florida,
DS Advocate,
Inclusion of Down syndrome,

Saturday, June 30, 2012
This is from: Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Schools ~ 2006
There is some really good information to be taken from this above link to the 2006 pdf document from the Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Schools. Wish it wasn't so hard for our schools to just 'get it right' and stop wasting so much time with our Children's education by NOT doing the right thing when it comes to providing a quality education where INCLUSION is NATURAL!
Teachers go into to teaching to teach Children ~ All Children! It would be nice if our School Districts and our neighborhood schools would be more open minded with providing real inclusion when it comes to students with unique learning challenges.
Inclusion is NOT "earned'. To be included into the general population classrooms is for more students then society gives credit for. By including more students with different learning styles and unique learning challenges allows people to be accepted for who they are and the positive things everyone has to contribute in today's classrooms. It allows fellow classmates to form friendships with those that may look, learn and be different than they are. More importantly that our teachers accept the diverse population of students in their classrooms and become the positive role models for all students to follow, by accepting their fellow classmates just the way they are. By encouraging all students to be tolerant of each other and helpful towards those students that need a little extra help by being a Peer Buddy and extending the hand of friendship to students with disabilities.
Inclusion is more of an attitude of a community of diverse students all being taught together, with the help of each other making it work. Inclusion is NOT a classroom and it certainly is NOT a teacher! ~ It is everyone together all the time. It is the entire school campus community, it is a mind-set and an understanding of including everyone all the time. Inclusion is NOT a place, it is NOT only for a certain time, it is NOT a classroom.
Inclusion is accepting people just as they are.
INCLUSION is NATURAL...if the attitude is open to it.
This is from: Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Schools ~ 2006
There is some really good information to be taken from this above link to the 2006 pdf document from the Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Schools. Wish it wasn't so hard for our schools to just 'get it right' and stop wasting so much time with our Children's education by NOT doing the right thing when it comes to providing a quality education where INCLUSION is NATURAL!
Teachers go into to teaching to teach Children ~ All Children! It would be nice if our School Districts and our neighborhood schools would be more open minded with providing real inclusion when it comes to students with unique learning challenges.
Inclusion is NOT "earned'. To be included into the general population classrooms is for more students then society gives credit for. By including more students with different learning styles and unique learning challenges allows people to be accepted for who they are and the positive things everyone has to contribute in today's classrooms. It allows fellow classmates to form friendships with those that may look, learn and be different than they are. More importantly that our teachers accept the diverse population of students in their classrooms and become the positive role models for all students to follow, by accepting their fellow classmates just the way they are. By encouraging all students to be tolerant of each other and helpful towards those students that need a little extra help by being a Peer Buddy and extending the hand of friendship to students with disabilities.
Inclusion is more of an attitude of a community of diverse students all being taught together, with the help of each other making it work. Inclusion is NOT a classroom and it certainly is NOT a teacher! ~ It is everyone together all the time. It is the entire school campus community, it is a mind-set and an understanding of including everyone all the time. Inclusion is NOT a place, it is NOT only for a certain time, it is NOT a classroom.
Inclusion is accepting people just as they are.
INCLUSION is NATURAL...if the attitude is open to it.
Broward Public School,
DS Advocate,
Inclusion of Down syndrome,
Inclusion of students with Down syndrome,
Mariah Harris,
Nancy Linley-Harris,
Special Education,
What is inclusion

Saturday, April 14, 2012
Wonderful MATH Standards website for extra help at home!
Here is a wonderful website that can be used for extra help at home to understand more of what is being taught in school. Check out the STATE STANDARDS for the State you live in.
I love this site!
I love this site!

Saturday, March 17, 2012
3.21.12 World Down Syndrome Day ~ LET US IN - I WANT TO LEARN
321 Fun,
Down syndrome,
DS Advocate,
World Down Syndrome Day

Saturday, February 25, 2012
Down Syndrome children need 'faster inclusion' - The National
Down Syndrome children need 'faster inclusion' - The National
Great article and time for this to happen everywhere....now!
Great article and time for this to happen everywhere....now!
Broward Public School,
Down syndrome,
Including students with Down syndrome,
Inclusion of students with Down syndrome,
Sue Buckley,
What is inclusion

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Down Syndrome Basketball Player Inspires Tennessee Team
Coach said....."it has the been the best decision he has made all season!!"....
Down Syndrome Basketball Player Inspires Tennessee Team: David Andrews plays for his freshman basketball team at Germantown High School outside of Memphis. He wears the number 40. He leads the pregame chant. He swishes threes. And he has Down syndrome. “Down syndrome people come in wide spectrum of disability,” said Andrews’ father,...
Down Syndrome Basketball Player Inspires Tennessee Team: David Andrews plays for his freshman basketball team at Germantown High School outside of Memphis. He wears the number 40. He leads the pregame chant. He swishes threes. And he has Down syndrome. “Down syndrome people come in wide spectrum of disability,” said Andrews’ father,...
Broward Public School,
David Andrews,
DS Adocate,
Germantown High School,
Including students with Down syndrome,
Mariah Harris,
Nancy Linley-Harris,
PODS Angels,
Robert Runcie

Sunday, February 19, 2012
Letter #8...from Camilo
Dear Mariah,
What I've learned from you is going to stay with me. Especially all the respect I've learned to show. It has been a pleasure helping you.
Have a good summer!
What I've learned from you is going to stay with me. Especially all the respect I've learned to show. It has been a pleasure helping you.
Have a good summer!
Broward Public School,
Including students with Down syndrome,
Jeffrey Allagood,
Mariah Harris,
Stephen Foster Elementary

IXL ~ MATH for left and right brain
IXL ~ Very cool MATH website for all grade levels and all States with standards listed.
I am always looking for ways to help my daughter with her school work. Math she says she loves today because she knows to be a Vet Tech or to work in a hospital she knows she needs to do well in school so she can go to college when she gets older.
Check this site out! It looks like a great site to get students excited about Math and it keeps a record of how much time spent and what skills were mastered or need more help with.
I am always looking for ways to help my daughter with her school work. Math she says she loves today because she knows to be a Vet Tech or to work in a hospital she knows she needs to do well in school so she can go to college when she gets older.
Check this site out! It looks like a great site to get students excited about Math and it keeps a record of how much time spent and what skills were mastered or need more help with.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Inclusive Cheerleading ~ What High School SHOULD BE ABOUT!!

Monday, February 13, 2012
Delaware cheerleaders embrace special teammate | 6abc.com
Del. cheerleaders embrace special teammate | 6abc.com
Now this is what I'm talking about! This IS inclusion....at it's finest!
Thank you!
Now this is what I'm talking about! This IS inclusion....at it's finest!
Thank you!
Broward Public School,
Down syndrome,
DS Adovcate,
Including students with Down syndrome,
Mariah Harris,
PODS Angels

Friday, February 3, 2012
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
DS Advocate,

Saturday, January 21, 2012
Turnover proves ultimate act of sportsmanship GRINNELL, Kansas
Turnover proves ultimate act of sportsmanship
"Coach said when we were in the huddle, just give him a chance to shoot," said Brown. "So I let him have a shot and he threw it up and he shot it, and he made it."
"Coach said when we were in the huddle, just give him a chance to shoot," said Brown. "So I let him have a shot and he threw it up and he shot it, and he made it."
best buddies,
Including students with Down syndrome,
Inclusion of Down syndrome,
Inclusion of students with Down syndrome,
Mariah Harris,
play pals,
What is inclusion

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