Monday, May 26, 2014

Inspire Inclusion By Dr. Julie Causton ~ VIDEO #2: Legal Aspects of Inclusive Education

Inspire Inclusion

Video #2: Legal Aspects of Inclusive Education Dr. Julie Causton HERE

IDEA Supplementary Aides & Services Check List to take to IEP meetings! HERE HERE

I am thankful for and inspired to share with you one of the Top Experts in supporting Inclusion for ALL students into neighborhood schools & classrooms they would attend if they didn't have a disability! ~ Dr. Julie Causton

Her Video's and website are JAMMED PACKED with the tools needed to Advocate for our Children to be provided an Inclusive Education. Sign up to receive more useful resources Dr. Julie Causton provides!

This is the Meat & Potatoes!!!!
Have a Great Day!
Pass it on!! 

Nancy and Mariah
321 Fun ~ Mariah's Life!